*************************************** ** Title........: MGFI - Mambo Polish Full installer ** Description..: Installs mambo 4.5.1a in users language (as defined in the installer) ** Author.......: zwiastun ** Version......: 1.3.1 - Świętochłowice ** Created......: 2005.01.29 ** Contact......: zwiastun@zwiastun.net ** Url..........: http://mambo.zwiastun.net ** Mambo Version: 4.5.1 a *************************************** *************************************** ** Introduction *************************************** MMLI will install Mambo (4.5.1.a) with the help of MMLi (Mambo Multi Language installer) in the language as the user defines during setup. *************************************** ** Explaination to the [1.3.x] *************************************** Świętochłowice: a district town placed in the middle of the 2,5 million population of the Silesian province, inhabited by over 59 thousand people. It occupies 13,22 km2 and it is the smallest town among 13 in this region. Świętochłowice is one of the most populated cities in Europe. 4600 inhabitants occupies every square kilometer in this town. In the town's economy, dominated by coal mines, steal and machine industry, there are great property transformations to be proceeded. Old technologies are being replaced by new ecological ones. Wealthy cultural traditions of the town are conducted by the Town's Museum, Town's Library and House of culture "Center Silesian Culture". "Skałka" is the place, which attracts everyone who enjoys sports, recreation, and rest. *************************************** ** Explaination to the version [1.2.x] *************************************** Alpbach: a small village in lower tyrol, nearly 600 inhabitants, but famous since 25 years for the yearly convent "Alpbacher Tage" (in english like: "days of Alpbach") which means, that every summer for 2 weeks from all countries of this world famous people will seat together and discuss the future of this planet. *************************************** ** Explaination to the version [1.1.x] *************************************** Absam: a small town in Austria, Tyrol, nearby Innsbruck (from where i am). In Absam is the famous school for alpine skijumpers, which won so many medails and titles in the last 30 years at world- and other championships as well at the olympic games. All for Austria. This is my contribution to them (mic) >> DEVELOPERS: see also the note below and dont delete earlier comments! Legend: # -> Bug Fix + -> Addition ! -> Change - -> Removed ! -> Note *************************************** ** History *************************************** 1.3.1 [2005.01.03 - 2005.01.29] + język polski panelu administracyjnego i instalatora + polskie pliki systemu pomocy + polskie wsparcie dla edytora TinyMce + dodano polskie wsparcie dla phpMailera + dodano polskie tłumaczenia plików z parametrami modułów i dodatków ! edytowano pliki, dodano deklaracje językowe, usunięto drobne błędy w plikach: - /administrator/com_content/content.admin.php - /com_content/content.php - /administrator/com_admin/admin.config.php - /administrator/includes/menubar.html.php (dodano do menu opcję nieoficjalnego tłumaczenia licencji GNU/GPL) wyśrodkowano ikony i linki pod ikonami - /languages/admin_english.php - uzupełniono oraz wyremowano powtarzające się deklaracje UWAGA DOTYCZĄCA POLSKIEJ EDYCJI: w porównaniu do wersji 1.1.3a: - usunięto dodatkowy katalog instalacyjny installation1 w związku z poprawieniem w edycji niemieckiej problemów pojawiajacych się z php < 4.3 ! zmieniono wpisy lokalizacyjne (ISO) w plikach: - /includes/feedcreator.class.php //plik oryginalny zachowano z nazwą feedcreator.class.php_org - /includes/phpmaialer/class.phpmailer.php //plik oryginalny zachowano z nazwą class.phpmailer.php_org - /includes/pdf.php //plik oryginalny zachowano z nazwą pdf.php_org ! edytowano plik /componnts/com_poll/poll.php, aby uniemożliwić wielokrotne głosowanie oryginalny plik zachowano pod nazwą poll.php_org ! edytowano plik: /includes/version.php, dodając zmienną COPYRIGHT2 (masz prawo zmienić tę treść, możesz ją również usunąć) /includes/footer.php, dodając zmienną COPYRIGHT2 # usunięto błędy w stosunku do wersji 1.1.3a: - brak pliku umożliwiajacego korzystanie z edytora RTE - włączono obsługę polskich znaków w PDF - drobny błąd w wyświetlaniu daty zakończenia publikacji ------ 1.2.2 [2005.01.24] # installer: if phpversion < 4.3 html_entity_decode will be changed by another function ------ 1.2.1 [2005.01.23] ! index2.php robots meta.tag changes to follow, index ! index.php editor will be loaded when user is logged in (faster page loading) ! weblinks.xml german translation missed ! administrator/components/com_content/admin.content.php - added html_entity_decode installer: # if php < 4.3 no check of serversettings for language (not supported by versions < 4.3) + renaming of install folder with random letters (increased security) + additional language variables in language files ------ 1.2.0 [2005.01.11] # typo in german sample sql files at menue entry + MMLi 1.2.0 ! folder "Installation" will be renamed and changing rights to avoid misusage ------ 1.1.3 [2005.01.10] # short open tag in pathway + new langaugecariable in admin_xxxxx.php ! installation MMLi 1.1.3 # hardcoded language variable ------ 1.1.2 [2004.12.31] - new : interface for language chooser - fix : check for db entries and switching back to former site if failure ------ 1.1.1 [2004.12.31] -bugfix : updated mod_fullmenu.php (wrong display of kontextmenus and missing spaces between values) ------ 1.1 [2004.12.30] - new: : ISO is called by installation language : Czech as language for installation (ISO & windows-1250) : Czech as language for front- & backend ------ 1.0 ------- Initial release [2004.12.28] : this installer uses parts of the script of the MamboForge project "Install MultiLanguage" from Arnaud Yvis -changes: : replacement of the not working "detect language" script - supports now many languages : language during installation process can be different then front- & backend language : install frontend (user) and backend (admin) language (can be different) : checks additonal important values from php.ini : shows the result of above checking : shows possible language setting as defined at servers side : Calender element now in installed language : TinyMCE (Editor) supports english and german (automatic) : phpMailer (Emailprogram) supports english and german (automatic) : Backend PM can be sent with different importance : Usage added to mambots (is shown in backend when editing MamBots) : An email is sent to the address given during the installation with the most important settings *************************************** ** Installation *************************************** 1. Unzip all files locally 2. Copy with FTP to your server space 3. In your browser type: http://www.yourdomainname.com/installation/index.php 4. Follow the instructions in screen *************************************** ** Supported Languages (during Installation) *************************************** - Czech - German - Danish - English - Polish *************************************** ** Supported Languages Frontend (after Installation) *************************************** - Czech - Croatian - German - Danish - English - Finnish - French - Hungarian - Italian - Norwegian - Polish - Serbian - Swedish *************************************** ** Supported Languages Backend (after Installation) *************************************** - Czech (*) - German - Danisch (*) - English (*) - Polish (*) For these languages the correct translations for components and modules must be installed, admin language is shown in above language. *************************************** ** Developers Note *************************************** If you want to make enhancements, additions, etc. please give the installer a name from a city of your country. This must not a big one, it should be one with history, or one you want to present to the world. Always with the beginning of the next letter in the alphabet. *************************************** ** License *************************************** MMLI Copyright (C) 2004 mic (developer@mamboworld.net) All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Please note that the GPL states that any headers in files and Copyright notices as well as credits in headers, source files and output (screens, prints, etc.) can not be removed. You can extend them with your own credits, though... This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. The "GNU General Public License" (GPL) is available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. If you are using this module we would like to here from you and on which site you are using it.